2024 Rome, Italy

C-12 Verena Gotta
Personalizing hemodialysis (HD) treatment in pediatric patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) – application and integration of quantitative pharmacology with machine learning
Monday 16:00-16:20
C-13 Jasmine Hughes
A hybrid machine learning/pharmacokinetic approach improves predictive performance in model-informed precision dosing
Monday 16:20-16:40
C-14 Diego Vera
Semi-mechanistic modeling of tumor size and overall survival including machine learning-derived tumor heterogeneity
Monday 16:40-17:00
C-17 Nicolás Marco Ariño
The broad use of pharmacometrics in patient care: the case of blood transfusion and perioperative management
Monday 17:05-17:25
D-09 Zoe Kane
Development of a neonatal plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) population PK model for fosfomycin.
Tuesday 14:30-14:50
D-14 Roeland Wasmann
A pharmacometric approach to optimise Fixed-Dose Combinations of Rifampicin, Isoniazid, and Pyrazinamide for children with tuberculosis
Tuesday 16:15-17:35